
Fitzgerald, Vincent E. - Portrait1272 viewsVincent E. Fitzgerald, Age 3, with "The Growler". (c. 1918)

Fitzgerald, Vincent E. with his little sister, "Peggy"1173 viewsHe was the youngest son in a family of 20.

Frielinghaus Brothers1357 views

Frielinghaus, Arthur1270 viewsAt his desk as Traffic Manager for Ford Motor Company.

Frielinghaus, Arthur & Ethel1304 views

Frielinghaus, Arthur & Ethel - Geisheimer, Hugo & Christiane1268 viewsIn the backyard of 106 Brill Street.

Frielinghaus, August & Caroline1233 viewsAugust Daniel Frielinghaus and his wife Caroline Elizabeth Bittle Frielinghaus

Frielinghaus, Caroline Elizabeth Bittle1200 views

Fritts, Russell412 viewsRussell Fritts in 1946 with a model of the front of the Waverly Ave School. This model was made by Russell and presented to Mrs. Agnes Wharton, retired Principal at her retirement dinner.
Photo from Lisa Fritts

Fuller, Joseph1237 viewsAt Branch Brook Park 1963

Galletto, Francisco1262 viewsKnown as El Fumo
North Newark's Sweet Potato Man

Geisheimer, Frederick & Ethel1359 views

Geisheimer, Frederick & Ethel1228 views

Geisheimer, Glenn1224 viewsOld Newark Webmaster

Geisheimer, Hugo & Christiane - Frielinghaus, Arthur & Ethel1189 viewsIn the backyard of 106 Brill Street.
Hugo Carl Ernst Geisheimer & Christiane Graßle Geisheimer
Arthur Frielinghaus & Ethel Nichols Frielinghaus

Gennaro, Connie823 viewsConnie Gennaro and her mother across from the House of Detention on Newark Street
Photo from Dave Messineo

Gennaro, Grandma796 viewsGrandma Gennaro & Mrs. Gennaro
Photo from Dave Messineo

Gibbs, Eugene925 views(L to R) Sanford Krause, Donald Goldfarb, Melvin Schwartz, Eugene Gibbs, David Ruben, Arnold Dwarkin, on ground is Jay Goldberg.
We all hung out at Hatoff's Candy store on the corner of Clinton place and Weequahic Ave in the 50's. The group picture is of the gang on Bradley beach. I am not in the picture as I was the photographer (David Gornitzky)

Giunta, Antonia Ferada Longo197 viewsPhoto from Joseph Musso Jr.

Giunta, Antonia Gerada Longo168 viewsFrom Joseph Musso Jr.
"West End Bar & Grill" 372-4 South Orange Ave, Newark New. I was going thru my Grand Aunt (Antonia Gerada Longo Giunta "Aunt Ann ") photos and I came across this Souvenir Photograph. Date unknown.

Glover Family4 viewsOctober 7, 1906
Newark Sunday Call

Godfrey Family1030 views(left to right) Gladys Godfrey, Bernice Godfrey, Florence Godfrey, and their mother, Elsie Godfrey, sitting
Photo from Joyce Myers

Godfrey, Joyce918 viewsJoyce at 1 year old - 1943
Photo from Joyce Myers

Goldberg, Jay986 views(L to R) Sanford Krause, Donald Goldfarb, Melvin Schwartz, Eugene Gibbs, David Ruben, Arnold Dwarkin, on ground is Jay Goldberg.
We all hung out at Hatoff's Candy store on the corner of Clinton place and Weequahic Ave in the 50's. The group picture is of the gang on Bradley beach. I am not in the picture as I was the photographer (David Gornitzky)

Goldfarb, Donald804 views(L to R) Sanford Krause, Donald Goldfarb, Melvin Schwartz, Eugene Gibbs, David Ruben, Arnold Dwarkin, on ground is Jay Goldberg.
We all hung out at Hatoff's Candy store on the corner of Clinton place and Weequahic Ave in the 50's. The group picture is of the gang on Bradley beach. I am not in the picture as I was the photographer (David Gornitzky)

Goldie, Harry1163 viewsPhoto from Harold Kravis

Gorto, Marge1158 views

Graef, Fred998 views1940 Nat Bodian (l) Fred Graef (r)

Gross, Morty399 viewsMorty Gross using Western Electric headset to listen in on Man in the Moon stories, Ritz Apartments, Newark, N.J.
From “Library of Congress”

Hagel, George1161 viewsClark Thread Company Excursion

Hall, Margarete (r), Littell, William F. & Littell, Dorothy189 viewsBarringer High Graduation
Photo from Bill Ridge

Harris, George pt11149 views

Harris, George pt21028 views

Harris, Richard640 viewsAt Fairmount Cemetery 1948
Photo from Richard Harris

Hayes, Carol & Ron790 viewsJuly 2009

Heckling, George4 viewsJuly 3, 1904
Newark Sunday Call

Helwig, John G.1045 views

Hibell, John (Truckman)381 viewsPhoto from Rebecca Clegg Scarpato

Hill, Edward M.1198 views1880

Hill, Edward M.1065 views

Hooley, George Wm366 viewsPhoto from Darleen Pane

Hrobot, John151 viewsPhoto from Diego Fonseca

Hughes, Joseph Patrick682 viewsJoseph Patrick Hughes Dies in Harrison, New Jersey
Baseball Fan, 82, Known as "Judge" was Native of Newark
Joseph Patrick Hughes died yesterday (January 23, 1941), at the home of a daughter, Mrs. William Donnelly of 46 Washington Street, Harrison, with whom he lived.
Mr. Hughes came to Harrison 42 years ago from Newark, where he was born. He had been known as "Judge" Hughes ever since he made his home in town.
The title resulted from Mr. Hughes' election as a justice of peace in 1900. He used to preside at court sessions in a carpenter shop. Five years later he became an election board judge and was judge of the board in the Third Ward's First District 30 years.
Never Missed an Opener
One of Mr. Hughes' proudest boasts was that he never missed an opening game of Newark's baseball team in more than 40 years. He attended last summer's opening game of the Bears. He belonged to Holy Name Society of Holy Cross Church. He was an engineer at Koppers Co., Kearny, several years, retiring seven years ago. Previously he worked at the General Electric Works. Harrison.
Mr. Hughes leaves a son, Joseph Hughes of Harrison, clerk of the works at Harrison Housing Authority's project; two daughters, Mrs. Donnelly and Mrs. Lillian McCloskey of Irvington; four sisters, Mrs. Anna McGill of Harrison, Mrs. Alice Straway of Newark, Mrs. Theresa Malague and Mrs. Elizabeth Reilly of Nutley; 16 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. The funeral will be from Condon Memorial Home, 210 Davis Avenue, Harrison, with a requiem mass at Holy Cross Church at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow. Burial will be in Holy Sepulcher [sic] Cemetery, East Orange.
Photo from Ann Donnelly

Jackowski, Addie & Florence1115 views

Jackowski, Florence1027 views

Jackowski, Margie Florence & Lois1073 views

Jelley - Four Generations741 views~1947-1950
The Jelley family owned the Jelley Furniture Store on Ferry Street.
Pictured are William Jelley 1st, William Jelley 2nd, William Jelley 3rd & William Jelley 4th
Photo from Ken Jelley

Jeroleman, Joseph T. (Frank)495 viewsLived on Bruen, East Mechanic, & Lafayette Streets
Photo from Thomas Lee

Keegan, Jack1019 views

Keifrider, Elmer957 views

Keifrider, Mary1058 views

Kiell Family944 viewsNorman & Aaron Kiell with their mother in front of 50 Milford Avenue - 1943
Photo from Paul Kiell

Kiell, Louis959 viewsIn front of his store at 491 Ferry Street - 1918
Photo form Paul Kiell

Kinsella, Mary670 viewsMrs. Mary Kinsella, Miss Margaret Mannion, Mrs. Helen Lamb & Robert Mannion (clockwise) in Branchbrook Park
Photo from the Mannion Family

Klink, Carl1020 views

Klink, Frederika1019 views

Kloss, Joseph Sr.914 views

Koch, Edward445 views

Koch, Pauline782 viewsWoman looking through bench at the Jersey Shore ~1942.
Pauline is Ed Koch's sister.
Photo from Paul Kiell

Krahling Family531 viewsIn front of 342 15th Avenue
Photo taken between May 1912 & August 1917
Photo from Paul Husosky
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